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Communicate with near maximum fluency back-and-forth between Urdu and English courtesy of Simply Best Apps

Communicate with near maximum fluency back-and-forth between Urdu and English courtesy of Simply Best Apps

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Program license: Free

Developer: Simply Best Apps

Version: v279_BestUrduEnglishTranslator

Works under: Android


Program license

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Simply Best Apps


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Translate words from Urdu into English with UrduEnglishTranslator for Android. This app allows you to easily visit places where Urdu is spoken and discover the meaning of a written or spoken word. By facilitating communication, this app can help to make your visit a success.

Urdu is quite different from English, so some words do not directly translate. You might enter a word and get back a longer expression. It is also helpful to check the app's interpretation against how English and Urdu multi-lingual speakers would translate the words. This app is free and works on most Android operating versions.